The 2019 BC PNP statistics show that Metro Vancouver continues to be the top region where newcomers intend to reside. See the statistics on Regional Distribution from 2016 to 2019.
The average salaries have increased over the years since the Skills Immigration Registration System began in 2015. See the statistics on average salary for skilled immigrants.
The Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Competitiveness started the Tech Pilot in May 2017 to attract talent to B.C. The idea was to make B.C. the preferred location for new and emerging [...]
From Crease Harman Where a power of attorney is useful Financial institutions will not deal with anyone but the account holder or a properly authorized attorney (and even with a Power of Attorney [...]
From Canadian Lawyer Bruce Hallsor, managing partner at Crease Harman LLP in Vancouver, says many of his clients are concerned with their ability to prevent an end-of-life scenario in which they [...]
From IRCC Updated July 7, 2020 Refugee sponsors and refugees overseas waiting to be resettled Along with our resettlement partners, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the International [...]
From IRCC Updated June 7, 2020 Will I be allowed to re-enter Canada if I’m a permanent resident? Yes. If you’re a landed permanent resident and have no symptoms of COVID-19, you’re allowed to [...]
From IRCC Updated June 19, 2020 To keep everyone safe, we’re asking service providers to deliver critical services only and to take steps to protect their employees and newcomer clients. [...]
The Property Transfer Tax (PTT) is better described as a land registration tax. It is a tax that applies to conveyances of real estate when they are registered at a Land Title Office. This paper [...]